Conquer the universe with Black Berserk 3: Darker Than Black
Polish beard man with weird desire to brutality, what else to want?! do you have good intentions?sit down friend! we can talk,bad intentions?come,ill rip your d*ck off :3
Age 21, Male
do you actually give a shit?
Poland, of course
Joined on 8/9/18
Conquer the universe with Black Berserk 3: Darker Than Black
I will,but first we need to save madness.
@BlackholeStudios Hurry, before I kill it.
How much Time before it IS finished (WE got no more news for almost 1 year)
@Jsoull @BlackholeStudios how much did you advanced ?
I mean,I posted a video 2 months ago on youtube talking about what is currently happening. Only thing that changed from that moment was just more scenes finished. Its tough to tell when it will be done because of final exams that are happening in less than 2 months. Im doing what I can please don't put pressure on me. the fact that I try to improve in quality also means the scenes take longer to make now. Bit I have a person who sometimes helps me with drawing certain things to speed up the process.if you want,you can just observe the yt channel from time to time,as livestreams are teased week earlier. I think I will stream somewhere in march again so just check on it from time to time if no stream is teased.
@BlackholeStudios @BlackholeStudios ok
I just wanted to know. No pression
It has been 1 year
Take your time man, your animations are awesome