I've been thinking about the recent incident:069 that me and CRY.NN releashed,and my point is that i wanted to make some sort of short series in madness universe,this idea is stuck inside my head because i always wanted to make something big,like real animated series,but this of course would mean that i would had to improve my skills in everything:sprites,visual effects,atmosphere building,and trying to not make those shakey little animations,another thing is that i would required more support for this,because in my opinion its pointless to make those series without viewers to see them and support to see if they are really that cool,cuz i won't make series if people don't like them i mean.I really need to see your opinion about this idea,feel free to share comment about this idea,and i would want to make a voting beneath the post:
happy face:I like the idea sad face:I don't like the idea
if the idea will be accepted,ill soon start showing you some concept to the series.
And if not,then ill just be thinking about diffrient idea.
Do it
I have star wars revenge of the sith,darth sidius line: DEWIT! In mind thanks to you