so blackhole was walking through the city demolished by new year celebrating gopniks not long ago and did what every reasonable person could do,do a sexy pose (well,as good as madness structure allows it.)
but seriously new year recently came in,hope you all will be able to call it a good one,i just wanted to show that im working on berserk,this background (its a little bit bigger but i cut it for the post) will be a part of the first episode,,im accually pretty good with time for the berserk,i was saying that it want it to come out at madness day,and i have already finished 3 scenes and almost have background for 4th,if i won't slow down too much,i think ill finish animating in the best case somewhere in may. I recently had a rethoughts about voiceacting in the berserk,i got 2 bois to voice act (3 including me) but im worried if it will fit in the madness universum (i think only xionic madness had that),it will be weird to hear voices in madness stuff,so if you have your own thoughts about this,please write what do you think about it,i would really like to see what is your opinion about this.
Zajebiste BG :3