Its been more than a year since the last time I posted a news post on my newgrounds. To all the people who think that I was slacking off, you couldn't be more wrong.
many of you wonder when Berserk 3 will be released,and I want to finally tell you my first assumed time,I will definitelly do what I can,to post it before madness day 2024.
I dont want it to take longer than that. We got great progress so far, there is lots of eye candies to see in the next episode. What we hate in black berserk team, is repetivity. that is why we take great care in innovating my animating tricks. I took a break for about 7 months from berserk as I suspected that it might've actually had impact on my physical health. not gonna lie, I think I was pushing my body to the limits with episode 2. that is why I took a break. with Episode 3 I also need to pay attention to incredibly long line of commissions that people are waiting for. But Berserk is moving on steadily. It takes time,and it that is unfortunate, but its the way it is with animations. keep in mind I do almost all the graphical and animation work on it. now I have an occasional help from friend shadowcop who ocassioanlly masks things and draws certain weapon angles which is always a good help. Of course what update would that be if I wouldn't show some sneak peeks to give you a hint on what is curently happening.
Here is a certain character recycled from Cancelled Fall Of Helios Collab. Loved that character,so I got an approval from DREADMAN to use him here.
If you ever want to see how is the Berserk progress looking so far, you can always check my youtube channel in saturday at 17:00 Polish Time,as I stream there everytime at that time.
There you can always ask me any questions you'd like to ask, and enjoy spending some time watching the progress.
I wanted to add a P.S. that the development is of course moving on steadily,but I really wanted to say something important. Due to the dissapointments I faced with episode 1 and 2 viewership,I need to say that I learned something, Numbers....dont matter. Because I prefer to have a small community made of people I can call devoted friends that I can talk with,rather than an army of people that just slightly care about my works. But... I need to ask you guys a favor.... Despite that...I still need episode 3 to reach out to as much people as possible.... I cannot do this on my own anymore... I was not even meant to do ep 3 on my own... Development of ep 3 went absolutely not the way I wanted it to.... I need help from other people that would like to have fun working together and share Ideas in form of animation help. So once ep 3 releases... It will be our job together as a team,to make sure to post it and show it to as many people that could like it as possible. Even if it doesnt work... Ill do what I can to keep berserk going maybe in a form of diffrient type of animation,or comic or something else,cuz like I told shadow, I am not planning on giving up on berserk,oh nonono there is nothing to discuss. but if it works.... It may be an absolute game changer that can put the project high up. So please... Remember our team will make berserk... But it will be up to people to make sure,that berserk will be treated right. I belive in you friends. as always, stay safe.
You Black Beserk series has been adventurous, I really have no words when I watched two episodes, I liked the voice acting, the mecha battles, and not just the action itself but relaxing and somber moments in 2 episodes. And your statement holds true. Views don't matter. Your project made it happen. People ought to really support to your hidden gem of content cause it had made a difference. In the future, madcom fans gotta fav your series because it's a breath of fresh air away from excessive action and has rationality of sparing enemies is a rare treat.